Shall We Date Angel or Devil: Ruvel

[Chapter 1]

    1.05 - ... turn my head away (Brilliant!)
    1.11 - Yes (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter, CG (1.07)

[Chapter 2]

    2.04 - It's not a waste (Brilliant!)
    Judgement Gate: Devil's Whisper - 100 Charm Level*
    2.11 - Let's draw together (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter

[Chapter 3]

    3.02 - I cut my finger (Brilliant!)
    3.09 - Leave him be (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter, CG (3.10)

[Chapter 4]

    Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x1
    4.04 - Chase after Ruvel (Brilliant!)
    4.09 - Ask him to wait (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter

[Chapter 5]

    Judgement Gate: Reaper's Mood - 25% Success Rate
    5.04 - Ask about my soul (Brilliant!)
    5.11 - I was scared (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter, CG (5.04)

[Chapter 6]

    6.02 - Would you like to go? (Brilliant!)
    Judgement Gate: Devil's Whisper - 400 Charm Level*
    6.07 - Okay, but no funny business (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter

[Chapter 7]

    7.05 - I'm telling you it's similar! (Brilliant!)
    Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x3
    7.07 - I do (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter

[Chapter 8]

    8.04 - Want to look at other things? (Brilliant!)
    8.11 - Explain your feelings (Brilliant!)
    Judgement Gate: Reaper's Mood - 25% Success Rate

Get: Love Letter, CG (8.12)

[Chapter 9]

    Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x5
    9.07 - Protect Ruvel (Brilliant!)
    9.09 - Kiss him (Brilliant!)

Get: Love Letter

[Chapter 10]

    10.02 - To finish my painting (Brilliant!)
    10.06 - Okay, I wont worry (Brilliant!)
    Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x7

Get: Love Letter

[Chapter 11]

    Happy Ending: 11.12 - CG
    Sweet Ending: 11.11 - CG

Get: Love Letter, CG

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